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About This File

This is a complete service manual for the Kawasaki Mule 500,520 and 550 models.

Topics  covered include Brakes, Steering, Electrical system, suspension and fuel system. As well as engine repair procedures and Transmission/Final Drive procedures.



If you need more information about the engine this manual linked below is chock full of information.

Thanks goes to @cliffyk for getting these files all  into one PDF format for uploading.

What's New in Version 04/19/2021 11:04 AM   See changelog


this is a COMPLETE service and repair manual for the kawasaki mule 500 series, 500,520 and 550.

Topics in this manual include Steering component repair,  General maintenance ,Suspension adjustments and repair, brake servicing and repair and much more.


Thanks to @cliffyk for formatting this to PDF, making for an easy upload to share.

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