Merry Christmas to you and yours !
WX is keeping me in the house for now. One thing that was obvious from the start is the exhaust has to be reconfigured to fit the machine. Search around the local marketplaces.
I found my Predator on offer up for $100 bucks brand new.
Merry Christmas !
Couldn't find the one I was looking for but these should help you. One thing I can tell you is they are almost identical to the Nikki used on the Briggs engines.except if you can find one for the Subaru it might be 300 bucks and you can find Briggs Carbs in the aftermarket for 35 dollars. I have taken a briggs carb and drilled out the shafts to move to the opposite side to make it fit subaru linkage and moved the intake tube for fuel also. You can buy overhaul kits very reasonable for briggs that will work on the Sub. Mostly just gaskets and o-rings.
Try these links
I have a 2013 4010 TransMule. I would like to come up with a soft cab enclosure to only enclose the front seat. I have a windshield and a metal top. I don't want to spend a fortune on one either. I will only use it during the winter hunting season and take it off. Will a regular 4010 cab enclosure fit the transmule??Any suggestions?