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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2010 in all areas

  1. I have started building an electronic capacitive fuel sender for my Trooper. I was wondering if others would like to have one made for them. The hardest part is the capacitor, it has to be hand made, Mine is made of two sheets of aluminum, 7" X 16-18" and 6 3/4" X 14" and rolled up together separated by 2 pieces of bird netting, that stuff you put over your fruit tree to keep the birds out of your fruit. I checked the readings as I filled a container with gas and the change was quite linear and repeatable. I believe that if you were to start with an almost empty tank, you could add a gallon of gas and mark you gauge, add another gallon and mark your gauge, etc, etc. I plan to put my sender in the middle of my tank which will keep it from changing as I go up hill, down hill or on level ground and the design can be made to not show sloshing. If you think you may be interested, let me know. Before you ask, I have no idea what it may cost and if you want, I think it will fit into the existing sender hole instead of putting it in the center. Kinarfi
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