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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Just an FYI, keep that mule in 2wd, except when absolutely necessary. Like when you're approaching some sloppy mud, or a hill, that you know will require 4wd. I'm not saying to wait until you're not moving / stuck. Just saying to not ride around in 4wd. Every turn you make, when the wheels have solid ground under them, will cause wear, of the type you've described. Even dry dirt, although concrete is the worst. Now that being said, the gears, and seals will dry up, if not used. What I do, is put the unit in 4wd, on long straight lengths of road. No turns. Keeping everything lubed, and happy. Only shifting into 4wd, as I approach the mud, yet before I'm in it. Shifting back into 2wd immediately after. As others have said before, it's best to use a little reverse, to help make that shift back to 2wd.
    1 point
  2. I have a rear diff. that has the big bearing and side cover ruined, but everything else is OK. If your interested in it for $200.00 plus shipping let me know. This diff has had the update done to it already. I will send pictures if interested.
    1 point
  3. You need to check drive shaft phasing. Google "drive shaft phasing" or check your manual. It sounds like its binding and wasn't put together correctly. Also, are you 100% sure it is unlocking out of 4x4 ? Signed Kawasaki Mule Expert.
    1 point
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