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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2016 in all areas

  1. In case anyone stumbles across this thread, apparently the "new" starter relay I got from Autozone wasn't compatible or it was defective. So I found a exact match, 056700-5260 Denso Heavy Duty Relay for $7.13. Note: the same relay found from other parts places on the internet, sells for $37+ so shop around first. Hope this helps someone who may have the same issue.
    1 point
  2. There's just not that many members who can answer technical questions about the many mechanical issues that come up. Add to that, most people, only come here to ask, not to answer any questions. And further, when they do find the answer to their issue, they fail to share this information to the thread. This inaction, keeps the search function from being the asset, that it could be! But it's the same at most forums. However the problem seems larger, given the smaller membership here. Especially coupled with our lack of mechanical experts. I've really only been on the mule, section of this forum, and we could really use a half dozen Kawasaki mechanics. Maybe a factory rep. or similar. You get the picture.
    1 point
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