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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Silverbullet Lets talk about thing we just don't think about.Its the c/v axles.We change the oil and replace brakes and tune up engine.So what else do we need to service is the c/v axles. lubrication brakes down from cheep grease and friction of the balls and the cage.If boots are good than just cut off the steel clamps get some brake clean and a brush and rags and clean out all the old grease .Replace with a good quality synthetic grease.We carry Desert Gold grease that when repacking the c/v will last a long time it will not break down.We tested a new C/V axle and drove it hard and then we replace the grease with Desert Gold and the c/v ran 20% cooler than the new one Rich
    1 point
  3. Silverbullet I have in the past sold stainless steel throttler cables.The price is 49.00 ea.They are custom made in the US.They are exactly like the stock ones Except they are built to a much higher quality and stainless steel doesn't rust.Let me know if you guys wan't me to bring them back.I will still sell the stock ones for 29.99 ea.Like every thing the steel cable rust to the steel housing.And brake.
    1 point
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