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  1. I measured the shocks, I had 9" of shaft showing and the limit straps are holding about an inch inside, SO! they are 10". When I set my limit straps up, set it so I have about 1/8" separation between axle and swing arm when the wheels are off the ground, then just to see if they ever make contact, I put tape on the axle and as long as the tape looks good, no contact was made.
    1 point
  2. Here's a few photos of how I remounted my rebuilt F-O-A 2.0" shocks with 2.5 coil over springs (200# over 400#) (and it feels about right), I think this is an 8" 10" shock, but I will check and if wrong, I'll edit the post. The limit strap is Amsteel-Blue Rope,(http://www.go2marine.com/product/38345F/samson-amsteel-blue-rope.html?WT.srch=1&WT.mc_id=gb1&utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=productfeed&utm_campaign=googleshopping&gclid=CjwKEAjwvYPKBRCYr5GLgNCJ_jsSJABqwfw7GsayfIaI2VFV5AJMJAD1Qoe1Wojhr9ASGTsHv9qK-xoCFXPw_wcB ) so I'm sure it's strong enough! I'm still doing finishing up things,painting, tightening and checking and need to put the deck back on and test some more.
    1 point
  3. What's with UPS, After delaying my shipments, I finally got the second one, Mon at 8:pm, that's 3 days late in my book, Do they need to get some more help or better management. With the down time, I totally disassembled both Yearben, then, again because I was waiting on UPS still, put them back together as spring mounts, no oil, on reservoir, no O-rings, just in case my mounting brackets for MY F-O-A shocks developed a problem. Some history, when I had the F-O-As on the yellow 08 Trooper, I had to run a limit strap to keep the swing arm from going down too far and hitting the axle and knocking it out of the CV, which happened a few times. When Joyner advised me about rebuilding the Yearben, they said I could get a bit more travel by leaving a spacer out, but I would have to run limit straps again, which was my plan until I started tearing them down and saw what I had. I had to rebuild my shocks, and it became a choice between Yearben and F-O-A. I went with the F-O-As for a lot of reasons, longer travel, dual springs, easy to build. To take advantage the longer travel, I needed to move the shock mount, so I did, I moved it back by the wheel and out, oops too far, add another mount for the top that is behind the the stock mount. Tomorrow, I'll see how I did, and I'll take some photos too.
    1 point
  4. Because UPS seems to be waiting a day to process my orders from F-O-A, meaning what should be here today or tomorrow won't be here until Monday, so I had time to figure out how Yearben shocks come apart, I could labor on and tell you, but I'll let you figure out your self if you buy them, my opinion, I'm not too proud of them, they don't lend themselves to being rebuilt because I doubt the main shaft seal probably won't be available, the rest are just O-rings, once you figure out how to get at them, they use what appears to be a special compound to seal the seal and the threads, the nut that holds valve pack in place is welded, so you can't tune them. I think they are a one use and replace shock and mine didn't last long enough to suit me and I don't how the ride compares to the stock shock because I replaced the rear stock ones on my 08 Trooper in 09 and the fronts in 12 and when I bought the blue 2015 Trooper, I ordered it with the Yearbens, they gave me a good ride for almost 4000 miles, at which point, they were out of oil, just springs, not shocks. I can't endorse them, but I can't condemn them either, I don't know how much the were, so it's your choice. I'm done here, Jeff
    1 point
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