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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi Anyone have a chinese clone (Cazador 180cc) or similar experiencing spluttering when trying to run full throttle cruising? I'm not sure if there is a limiter on my model but it just won't let me cruise at anything over 45kph. what are the tell tale signs of a limiter cutting in? mine splutters and almost cuts out the engine forcing me to the kerbside until it recovers and very annoying indeed! I just want to cruise at 50 or 55kph so the engine hums nicely instead of vibrating like the clappers.
    1 point
  2. If it runs it is not the spark plug. Sounds like a starter wire is loose or broke. Check all the wiring and fuses. Trace the wires from the ignition (key switch) to the starter. Be sure all the cables and wires are clean and tight. Do a battery test. Which engine does it have? If you don't know engine brand post pictures of the engine. My 2010 Sportworks has the Subaru/Robins engine. Let me know if I can help.
    1 point
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