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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2017 in all areas

  1. This entire ordeal is uncalled for. Hisun, along with any other manufacturers, should have parts on hand. Period. They should also do what is necessary to have a dealer and service network. With the smaller companies they should go above and beyond to keep the customer happy. Lower price won't always be reason enough to be loyal and be a repeat buyer but customer service could be. Stories like this make sure that I won't be looking at Hisun when it's time to buy another buggy. There are no dealers in my area that work on the buggy I have. At the point of sale they are lawn mower mechanics that are not trained to work on buggy's and four wheelers. As far as I know there are no independent shops around here that will work on the Chinese stuff with any sort of warranty. Makes it hard to shell out that kind of money after reading and hearing the horror stories.
    1 point
  2. @vaughn Did you get new a machine or just a different pic of it?
    1 point
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