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  1. Chery Engine Parts Cross by Rusty Nutz Racing » Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:24 pm Maybe this will help all the Joyner owners out, after hours and hours of research I found that the 2007 and older Chery engines are a clone of the ford's Britian CVH (escort) motor such as the 1.1, 1.3, 1.6 and 2.0. The great thing is that even though it was a clone of the Britian Ford CVH motor, they used 90% of the same parts as Ford U.S. CVH motor. The trannys are a VW model gear boxes with Ford bell housing. Least that is what mine is. Like the 650, 800 & 1100 are from a 1.1 to 1.3L VW golf. I have the 2006 1600 Joyner and my tranny is from a 97 VW Jetta. Now I'm not saying everything will bolt right up on the 650, 800 and 1100's you'd have to check that out yourself. But I know a friend that has a 800 Roketa and replaced transmission parts with a 1.3L VW golf. Another friend with a 2007 Joyner 1100 used gears and several other parts from a 1.3L Golf tranny. I have a 97 Jetta tranny that matches perfect to my 1600. I'm currently running a VW Jetta starter on my 1600. I bought several ford escort parts as replacement parts that fit perfect. Just do some research or pull photos of the VW 1.3L tranny and you can compare what it looks like to what you have. Do the same on the engines. Google photo of the 1.1 or 1.3 and see if they don't look real close to what you have. I've seen this info before but not on this forum. thought it might be of interest Jeff
    1 point
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