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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2017 in all areas

  1. Sounds like it's working like it should.
    1 point
  2. OK, so I jacked up the front end, rotated the front tires by hand, and all of the front driveshafts rotate, all of the way back to the rear transaxle, which I suspected would happen. Looks like everything is OK in regards to that topic. I could push it while jacked up on the floor jack, and the shafts for the front wheels do not rotate while in 2WD , but do rotate while in 4WD, with the front wheels off of the ground and the front rolling on the floor jack wheels. All looks OK there.
    1 point
  3. Knock pins are just hollow pins, usually on each side or across from each other. Sometimes you can us a rubber a mallet to tap the 2nd half off, Do NOT use a regular hammer, in case it s aluminum. I do not own a Joyner, so I wouldn't trust my into 100%😉
    1 point
  4. Are there any knock pins? I do NOT know if Joyner uses those on trans, but most UTV etc engine and Trans do.
    1 point
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