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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2017 in all areas

  1. My 2013 500 will only start if I floor the gas pedal and then once it starts I have to pump the gas until it warms up a little it sounds horrible until it warms up.(around 20 seconds)and then it will stay running. The exhaust smells like raw gas for a little while. The throttle body has been changed. Someone suggested the mass air flow sensor could be the problem ( is that the MAP). It has been to 2 different shops with it not being fixed. I haven't been able to ride it since last fall.Does anyone have any suggestions?
    1 point
  2. Hi i am new to the utv world (i am an automotive thech in off-road performance on jeep and Dodge for 13 years that have decided to retire from the 4x4 world and play whit something smaller ) The big problems i see whit the hisun is a cooling fan issue that eat so much amp that the generator cant keep the batteries charge (i have the dual cooling system and whit 2 fans on it goes under 10 volts if you run at low speed that cause after few hours to run out of batteries. Batteries not have the amp to hold enough charge to push the fan at the best performance and generator cannot hold the OEM fan when the batteries is not enough charged (overheat issue was caused by that) an other problem that is a batteries issue was the starter itself it need more amp than the batteries have so the slow crancking is caused by that. When i worked on cf moto and odess utv i noticed that cf moto add the same starting issues due to the same problem too small batteries but odess use a honda civic batteries to make it work just fine (fans runs no more than 2 minutes instead of cf moto and hisun that the fans runs mostly all of the time) so i know that the batteries is a 12 volt u1 or u11 batteries so if i want to put a 1095cca batteries or a yellow top optima batteries on a custom case does the elictrical system will be able to handle a batteries that have 300-400% more ca than the small batteries or not (i know that the light will be more brighter i already replace the flasher/stop bulb factory instaled for a full l.e.d. bulb and socket hehe ). I know some people have done that on old 6 volt system atv whit no problem at all but i just want to make sure i will not frie the whole electrical system whit a bigger batteries hehe i will place some maxi fuse on the main relais and fuse system but not on the starter
    1 point
  3. silverbullet I emailed you and said to send pictures of gears you [email protected] Always better to call than email.To much wasted time going back and forth. Frankie
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. After 45 minutes of waiting i ended the call lol
    1 point
  6. The generator coil is pretty good ,the starter itself need 2 time the amp of the batteries to make it work just fine. I can confirm you that the starter itself will never frie as long as you not try to jump start it whit a 24 volt batteries hehe and its a 12 volt starter its more damagable for the starter to run whit not enough amp than more(he cant take more amp than it need himself)maybe the power cable of the starter will have to be upgraded but not a big deal to this side. My biggest concern was about all the rest . Do the voltage regulator will like to have a batteries of 800 + cca. The whole system itself will be able to handle that? I tried to contact hisun but after 1 month they will never answer me hehe I know alot in the automotive but not so much in utv and atv so any good answer are welcome
    1 point
  7. Do not use car batteries. Too many cranking amps. can fry ur starter possibly. Could be u need a new generator coil.
    1 point
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