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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Coming from a long time Honda foreman guy. I'm ready to step out into side x side world.. my eyes are on the defender and ranger!! General use- hunting and riding family on trails.. NO mud bogging.. What has the best engine life and least problems? I get it maintenance and anything will last but I've heard horror story of polaris.. any input would be appreciated!!!
    1 point
  2. Here are two short videos....first is with stock exhaust....the second us with new exhaust. i had my wife record from the same place both times to get an accurate noise level...I'm was shocked/ impressed let me know what you think. well I tried to load videos.....both times failed! ill reply to your email Video 1.MOV Video 2.MOV john
    1 point
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