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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2018 in all areas

  1. This sounds like an aftermarket lift. The factory lift is hydraulic IIRC. If it is electric, then it probably has a worm screw driven mechanism. If this is an aftermarket lift, try giving it a helping hand by pulling up on it while operating the lift switch. You might need some help with the lifting up of the bed. Sometimes the worm screw just needs some help getting to some good threads. Of course the bed should be empty when you do this. If this is the problem, you'll be able to hear it turning. And if that's the case, and this fix doesn't work, you'll have to pull the bed hinge pins, raise the lift, and replace the pins. Do this while it's raised. If this works, then you'll always want to keep the bed up about a half inch from the bed rails. That way it'll always be in the good threads. The fix gets easier after you've done it a couple of times. Hope this makes sense.
    1 point
  2. Just like a typical car.
    1 point
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