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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Silverbullet Hello i have some good news for UTV BOARD members we have made a deal with Chery Motors of Hong Kong.We can give you Members a 20% discount on all original Chery Motor Parts.These parts are original Chery parts.Not Joyner but Chery parts.Please make sure you let us know you are a UTV Board Member.We will carry all motor parts for the 1100cc & 800cc Motors.Also Chery motor parts for other company's including Renli, Reeper, John Deere 825I motors.Also the 650 Spider and Commando motor parts 2 cylinder motors.We can get complete Motors, Transmissions The discount is for motor parts only.Complete motors & Transmission at a great price. Thank You Matt
    1 point
  2. At over 3500k Miles on my trooper. My a arm joints were shot. Ordered new from joyner USA but sent them back. I felt they were low quality especially for $25 a piece. They were nylon injected but the nylon was loose inside the end. I expected more for $25 a piece. And honestly the original heims were clearly higher quality. It concerns me that Joyner may be supplying lesser quality parts than they used to. I ended up ordering QA1 time joints from eBay for $19 apiece they are also nylon injected but higher quality. The part number is : QA1 MXMR16 Rod End (X) Endura Alloy Ht M-R 16Mm-16Mm May want to pin this in part section of this forum.
    1 point
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