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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2018 in all areas

  1. I can certainly understand your point of view there. I also prefer trails over mud, but I've always just tried to embrace the maintenance that comes with a day of fun. For me, it was worth it. Since it's not my daily drive to work vehicle, it's okay if it's down till it gets a little service done.
    2 points
  2. avoiding the mud due to all the damage it causes to seals ,bearings , suspension & driveline. the stress it can put on a machine is huge.i dont mind going thru some mud puddles to get where i"m going but seems that many down here in Florida like to run their machines in mud , i dont enjoy that.I"v been an automotive master tech for 48 years & have seen many spend their money "fixing"carnage caused by playing in the soup then badmouthing the machine when it"s usually the fault of the nut behind the wheel.& too many 12 oz curls,lol. i carry all the needed recovery tools & some parts for trail side repairs, usually to help out someone stuck on the trail.
    1 point
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