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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Yeah I guess you could say these heads are 'screwed' lol No cracks I can see, just a bunch of pock marks from steel chunks beating the pistons and heads. To go with all new parts (heads/pistons) just the parts will be over $500 bucks, so I will try and scrounge some used head cores. I can't even remove one of the plugs it's beat so bad! It's going to take a TON of work to get these decent again. To weld them I need to heat them up pretty hot and may do more damage. I may just cut my losses and go with a new engine, this lump seems to be the red headed step child of industrial v-twin engines, not much to find on it. Will see if I can find a used vanguard engine, or pop for something better. Not sure if there is any demand but I can sell off the good parts of this Subaru engine. Will update when I get something going together. For now I'm just learning what options I have for replacement engines.
    1 point
  2. Update: it came off fine, just a few taps with the rubber mallet. Once that was out of my way, I was able to assess the carnage, pretty bad, was not a rod issue as described after all, looks like the screws that hold the air filter housing on rattled into the engine and banged up both chambers, and pistons. Both intake valves had closed on 2 of the screws, other chunks of piston. Not all bad as the case is fine, save for some light scoring that should clean up in one cylinder. The crank, and both rods seem fine, I need to check the intake valves again, both seem like they may be usable, not sure yet. The heads took the brunt of the damage and will cost the most. Pricey parts. Will see if I can get them tig welded and repair the chamber surface as they are pretty bad. Some more pics
    1 point
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