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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2019 in all areas

  1. thanks for the help, haven't checked it out yet
    1 point
  2. Getting it back together. Engine final mockup and assembly done. Needed to bump the engine to the passenger side about 1/2" to line the CVT up inline with the original location on the old engine. The 670 has a longer crank snout where the pulley seats. Just waiting on some parts for the carb (this setup uses a 1.5mm needle and seat for use with a pulse pump), and the moto carb to stock throttle arm cable,- should be here tomorrow - and we are ready to fire. Starter cranks, all wired up. I only ended up with a kill wire for now, (blue wire from UTV, black/red wire on the motor) , and the starter (white wire ), along with the fused hot wires. Will hook up the oil sending unit from the old engine so I have the oil light.
    1 point
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