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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2019 in all areas

  1. went ahead and ordered the springs (For both sides) and NEW cables....👍 little under $40 It's the shipping that gets ya'!! thats why i like calling in parts at my dealer, no shipping charges.
    1 point
  2. Yep, i cleaned them spotless with some parts cleaner and wiped off all the "ick" on 'em.
    1 point
  3. Looking at those springs, they look just like what I'm used to seeing on auto drum brakes. So I can definitely say that you'll want new springs. Reusing old springs just makes drum brakes squirrelly. They'll be fine one stop then not work, or do something wierd the next time.
    1 point
  4. Price of new cables are $25 for both, one is $6.00 and one is 19. the 6.00 is SIGNIFICANTLY shorter than the other. probably will replace em. the new hardware, (springs and keepers) would be about 10 days arriving. no shorter than ordering from dealer either. it looks like for the axle the seal is right behind the bearing, and the bearing is right behind the brake panel...i'll pull the bearing first and see if thats right... but the manual actually does go in depth on axle removal,, thats a relief! my brother is offering me advice too, he's a little more mechanicly inclined than i am.
    1 point
  5. Great news! I knew it would work out. Depending on how much trouble it is to do it over again, vs. the price of new cables, I'd look very seriously at replacing those. Since the cables will never slide the same way as when new. They'll always bind, and be prone to rust again. There's nothing wrong with trying to salvage parts, but you might be spinning your wheels there with soaking. All new cables, springs, and probably the hardware also, is probably the best way to go. But it never hurts to try. They'll certainly be better than what you had before. I'm glad to hear you're on the way to getting a handle on that parking brake. Now for the axle bearing, and seal. You'll want to do both sides. If you have to pull the axle out of one side, its a small step to do the other. Assuming it's like a cars differential, it would have to be opened to release the axle clips.
    1 point
  6. Hey all, newbi from NC. Just bought a 2020 tracker 800 sx crew. Glad to be here!
    1 point
  7. No, I'm only about 75 miles east of Dallas. So we might get rain, but that should be all. Can't seem to stay dry for very long this year. But I suppose its better than having it the other way around.
    1 point
  8. I have a first year 2011 Kubota 400 ci EFI UTV. Great little machine. Steel dump bed. Will tow small trailers with ease Simple machine except for the fuel system. Caution: if the throttle body system needs to be repaired or replaced, you must buy the paired ECM to go with it. Last time I checked about $1,500 for the parts alone. On another note, you can fulfill your budget requirements with a deal on a Polaris 570 Full Size 3 seater or a Can Am Defender 800 3 seater. Both are impressive machines with far more room, horsepower, and torque.
    1 point
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