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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi, all, I am here to say i have found an excellent source for kawasaki parts, It's run by Eddie Babbit. It is called Kawasaki Partshouse. run by Babbits online, Muskegon Michigan. http://www.kawasakipartshouse.com/oemparts Just the other day i ordered piston rings, for my Mule 550, They got here and a Oil ring, and smaller ring were missing from the box, Kawasaki took responsibility for the "Accident" and I had also contacted babbits, and they replied and they said" keep the old rings, order a new set and you just pay shipping" so i got $30 piston rings for 8.95!!!? Free shipping on orders over $50!!!
    1 point
  2. Yep. Finally got it. Thanks.👍
    1 point
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