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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. If the reviews are favorable, I'd Google "2008 Teryx 750 problems" followed by maintenance issues etc. That way you can see if some unforseen problem might possibly be lurking right there waiting. That doesn't mean that you'll have any problem, but it gives more knowledge. Most reviews are done on new machines, that haven't had time, or elements working against it yet. Really only covering performance, and capabilities. All good things to know, but if a maintenance nightmare awaits, I'd want to know that as well. There should be plenty of information available about a 2008 machine. So you'll probably get all the information you need. And honestly, if it's in good shape, that's probably a fair deal. As I remember, the Teryx was a pricey machine, small, and fast. Geared more for fun, than work. Kind of a side×side version of a 4 wheeler. Either way, if it has a trailer hitch it'll be okay for light duty. And one thing I've learned on this forum, is that parts availability is a big plus. If you do buy it, be sure to get a shop service manual for it. Or for anything that you do get. Those manuals are pure gold, and together with the internet, can solve most problems.
    1 point
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