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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2019 in all areas

  1. So i have a 2018 Hisun Sector 750 Crew and while driving the noise level is outrageous. I want to find a way to decrease the decibel level, so does anyone have any ideas!!! i was thinking about installing foam on the roof enclosure and possibly putting something around the engine bay area. I have not found any companies that makes a suppressor for the muffler...Any help would be appreciated. thank you
    1 point
  2. Hey Gregory, Yes, I did manage to finally figure out what was causing the hesitation and stalling - the ignition coil. The thing is, when I tested the faulty coil, everything came back according to spec. It was only because there was literally nothing else that could be wrong, and I found a cheap replacement part on Amazon that I thought I would throw another part at it. After installing the new coil, the problem was solved. I assume that the original coil was faulty and when it warmed up, that's when it would begin to glitch. Oddly though, the side by side will still backfire sometimes after you chop the throttle following heavy acceleration . I blame China.
    1 point
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