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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2019 in all areas

  1. I purchased a Red Massimo Buck 400EFI recently from Massimo Motor. It was very simple to purchase on line, it was quick and painless. After placing my order, I got a call from the Massimo Motor Customer Service Department (Eddie). He wanted to confirm my order and he let me know that they were building my UTV and gave me an estimated date of completing and delivery. Upon completion of the unit, Eddie reached out to me to let me know that it would be shipping and that I should expect it within 7 business days of his call. I actually received it 3 business days after his call. The truck driver was very polite and helpful. We got the UTV off the truck and away I went. We have a small tree farm and we needed something that we could use to maintain our little farm with ease. The Buck 400EFI performs as expected. It runs really well; it looks good and the most important thing about it is that my wife loves it. A few days after receiving my UTV, Eddie from Massimo Customer Service called to make sure that we had received the UTV with no problems and to see if everything was OK with the unit. He told me that if anything were to come up with the unit, to not hesitate to contact him and he would help us resolve any issue that may arise. I am very happy that I purchased this UTV from Massimo Motor and IF I had to do this again, I WOULD in a heartbeat. Eddie at customer service is outstanding and because of him, I would recommend anyone who is interested in purchasing one of these UTV’s, to ask for him. He will take good care of you. Sincerely P.Q. Very Happy Customer
    1 point
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