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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Mind if I share? I have a 4 year old and a 5 year old girl. I'm doing it all solo. I'm a work from home EE with a huge French company, who came back to me this week with there is nothing they can do for me in the middle of this pandemic. With no school, no daycare and no options from my company, I had quit yesterday. My silver lining is I got this Mule FX already paid for -and last Christmas I bought 20 acres near the family farm. There is a class 1 trout stream (restocking not needed) running through the bottom of the land and another 10 acres tillable up top. 80% of the surrounding land belongs to childhood friends or family. Everything (except for the highway) out there is open to UTV's. I got a 20 minute straight shot of ATV route from home to there and an abandon RR track that leads straight to the small town I grew up in. I hope to have one hell of a great summer.
    2 points
  2. I have experienced some not so nice situations in my life as well. Keep your head up and attitude right where it sounds like it is. This will all work out. I have the feeling you and those two little girls are going to be just fine.
    1 point
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