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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2020 in all areas

  1. They got ours delivered today (instead of tomorrow).
    3 points
  2. Well after a good buddy of mine shared how happy he was with a Massimo 500 I decided to pull the trigger on one of my own. Probably the main use will be dirt roads and trails near Baldwin Mi where I have a camp. But my town does allow them to be plated and driven on the road. Hope my experience is as good as my buddy's is. Behind it there is a 400 King quad that you cant see and a 86 CJ7 project and my 69 Baja bug.
    1 point
  3. 2019 Pro-FXT EPS, bought Dec 21, delivered today.
    1 point
  4. Travis, here are a couple of pictures of the bore. Not the best, but the best I could get. Let me know what you think. The spring compressor is due in today, don't know about the tester. I'm gonna try and get the head cleaned up today and hopefully back on and torqued, then I'll just be waiting on the leak down tester... I'll post the results from that as soon as I can. The first picture is the bottom of the cylinder and the second is the top. Hard to tell, but you can see the hone marks with the naked eye. Roger
    1 point
  5. don't touch the governor on these motors, not a good thing .... they go boom easy..... as for the fuel pump you will need to do a regulator on it if not you can flood the motor the gas will push past the float, here is the link to set idle on the mule carb it works .... https://www.rfive.me/info/mule-i1.html
    1 point
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