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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Here is my Mule LE at home where it needs to be lol
    2 points
  2. The big questions is...did you pay for the Mule, or put a deposit down for it ? When I called Kawasaki Customer Service(weekly) the man I talked to checked the database for the dealer, to see if the dealer had ordered the parts, and where I was on the dealer's list. If the dealer has not ordered the parts, then you are not on a waiting list with Kawasaki. Kawasaki was shipping parts on a first come first served basis...for new purchases and recalls. There was a parts supply problem getting parts from China, but arrangements were being made to get them from domestic sources. Make sure your dealer has ordered parts for your Mule, and then follow up with Kawasaki Customer Service. Good Luck ! Be Pro Active ! Raise Hell if you have to !
    1 point
  3. the pulleys do wear, also the 3010's are no race car off the line ..... the 3010's were built for work, and work they will do , military used them, https://www.kawieriders.com/threads/aftermarket-clutch-for-3010-trans.157217/ clutch spring kit https://www.sidebysidesports.com/episputclkit.html
    1 point
  4. More good lookin ride!!! Congratulations guys!!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Recalls all done she will be delivered this week hope you all get your mules soon
    1 point
  7. The cat has never seen a mule before. I picked it up on Saturday and been riding ever since. Well worth the wait.
    1 point
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