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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2020 in all areas

  1. I was hoping it may slide off. The limiter cap has a slot in it, but not sure about the actual pilot screw. I haven't taken the time to try it yet with so much going on, but hopefully this weekend. My manual just says to turn the pilot screw out one turn I believe. I'll have to check again to make sure. But your manual seems to be the way I've always adjusted these small carbs. If I can't easily remove that limiter cap, I'll try removing the tabs. Thanks, Roger
    1 point
  2. Travis, I installed a Dayco HP2023 on my 550 when I did the top end. Like yours, it does seem a bit tight but it doesn't always move when in gear, but sometimes and more than I like. I may give the Gates belt a try. Thanks, Roger
    1 point
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