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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Actually on mine, the driven converter has always spun at idle, even several years ago with the Original Kawasaki belt. But i definitely noticed better idleing, and another shifting with the gates belt. compared to the dayco.
    1 point
  2. 2-8, I don't have a FXT, but you can get a good idea if the tube diameter with a tape measure or ruler. Just lay either across the tube and try to sight the outer edges. If you had a dial caliper, you could get an exact measurement. When I ordered the rear view for my 2020 mule sx, I found one from side by side atv. It came with several different plastic clamps for different size tubes. I still had to wrap the mounting area with some electrical tape to take up the slack but it works. On my '04 mule 550, I had a bolt on mirror so I drilled a hole in the top tube and got a longer mounting bolt and it works great. Hope this helps, Roger
    1 point
  3. $20 on Amazon or Ebay, it was well worth it.
    1 point
  4. Hi Roger, I went out To the barn and got the original Carburetor that took off the mule,,I was able to get that limiter cap off. A screw driver and hammer. It has a funny looking head under it, you can use pliers to turn it.
    1 point
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