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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Update!!! So I changed out the piston and went ahead and got a new cylinder. There were some vertical marks and I was advised since I had it all apart to go ahead and replace the worn/damaged ones. I went ahead and replaced the camshaft too. There was quite a bit of wear on the exhaust lobe. I went ahead and looLed at valves and everything was great. Put everything back together and cranked it this afternoon and sounds better then it did when it was running. I’m a veterinarian and this is really the first time really diving deep into something mechanical. There were some points when I thought to myself, there are some surgeries that I do that are easier then this. All in all, its always a good feeling making something run when they were just going to get rid of it. Plus it was just given to you.
    1 point
  3. Ran the engine after and noticed exhaust vapor coming out of a crack in the intake manifold after i stopped the engine after running it for a couple of minutes.
    1 point
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