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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2020 in all areas

  1. I'd hose it down inside, and out with carb cleaner. Pull the bowl off, and hit the needle and seat. Along with all the holes I could get to, including the jets. Then put it back on, and see if it helped. Might cure the problem, might not. But since I'm sure that you haven't got a carb kit yet. That's the way I'd go. In fact, I'm not only cheap... I'm stubborn too. So that's exactly what I always do first. Carb kits are mostly gaskets anyhow. Those are easily made, should you happen to rip one.
    2 points
  2. I replaced the Carb on my Mule with a Chinese one, $75 was a lot better than $250.... One thing I like about the aftermarket carbs, they don't have that POS Limiter cap on the idle mixture... So far it's been good on mine... When you pull the carb apart, look at the needle tip, be sure there are no small grooves or it isn't shaped funny (other than the perfect cone shape) could be its wearing and letting extra gas slip by.. I believe they use a a Viton (rubbery) tip and brass seat..
    1 point
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