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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Installed a radio/media player in my new Hisun Sector E1. Got a universal under dash kit from Amazon for $13, a radio/media player from Walmart for $17, and two speaker kits with grills from a friend for $10. Had some wire, connectors, and screws lying around. Mounted the radio in the plastic under dash kit. The radio is amazing for the price. It is only about two inches deep, but has Bluetooth, USB, and AM/FM radio. Mounted the speakers in the panel under the seat. Ran the wiring through the drive shaft tunnel. Installed a in-line fuse for the + wire and tapped in to the head lamp switch for the ign on wire. Tapped in to a ground wire in the wire loom behind the switches. I use this to play my tunes from a flash drive. I did not even bother to connect an antenna to it. Because the E1 is electric there is no engine noise to drown out the music!
    1 point
  2. As long as we get some much needed rain. I really don't care which storm brings it. I do hope that those in the path of both hurricanes are prepared.
    1 point
  3. The regulator/rectifier is usually the problem. If the new one doesn't fix it, get a Service manual for it so you can perform the proper tests to diagnose the problem.
    1 point
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