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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2020 in all areas

  1. As I've said, I don't own one of these. Most everything I comment on, is general knowledge from many years of mixed experience. But about your O-ring. If it's truly a rubber O-ring, then I'd keep reusing it, after checking it for damage. And putting a little liquid silicone on it, to make it last a bit longer. I'd most definitely match it up with a new one, at the next oil change, to be used as a spare when the original gives up. Replace it every couple of years, as it coincides with normal oil changes. Or sooner, obviously, if there's any sign of anything other than perfect.
    1 point
  2. It's not unusual to have an extremely tight drain plug the first oil change. The plug was installed at the factory on bone dry threads, by someone who could easily get away with maximum torque. So it isn't surprising that it's frozen in place. When you reinstall the plug, just make sure that it's finger tight, plus MAYBE an eighth of a turn. Just enough that it'll neither leak, nor vibrate out. Because you don't want to strip, nor stretch those threads. Factory threads in an aluminum block are a fragile thing. And they're a one time thing. If you mess that up, there's no getting them back.
    1 point
  3. Sorry ... according to Massimo Motors rep I talked to in Dallas, they dumped HISUN engines a year ago [ his words] because ...THEY ARE JUNK... now that mine has been repaired properly, it does run well.. but for how long? Who knows
    1 point
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