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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Travis, I have not seen one of these, but Wow they have it all, but yes pricey. I have seen copycat units used by Forrest Service and Game Department personnel, I did not ask if they were personal equipment or owned by their departments. I can see that the smaller more affordable (?) unit drafting from a couple of blue barrels on a trailer would be within the Mule's specs and should be highly effective. I would like the drafting feature due to concerns about clearing/cleaning the tank and pump rig when switching from herbicide to say garden watering. It would be easier to use a separate tank exclusively for herbicide. Thanks it was fun to look at this and a great option if I can stand the price.
    1 point
  2. Yeah. But Wasn't cheap. My word those people have you by the tender bits.
    1 point
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