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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2020 in all areas

  1. If you are smart, maybe you should be looking at an (made in America) EZGO 48 volt golf cart, or other brand cart unless you are going to be doing trail bikeing type trail riding. . I have had Kawasaki Mules, and now have a Massimo Buck 400. I have also had two EZGO 36 V golf carts over the last 30 years, and now have a EZGO 48 volt all being a two person side by sides. For around the house (going to the mail box at the highway, visiting the fishing dock, and taking my wife and a grandkid or puppy dog for a ride we all prefer the golf cart, BTW the 48 v cart will climb any hill a two wheel drive car will and up and over places you would expect to use a UTV . plus to refuel just plug in the charger! Batteries well maintained last up to 5 years, now there are Lithium batteries being developed for golf carts, so who knows what else will be available for electric powered carts, no gasoline fumes or exhaust problems as with gas or diesel powered carts. Think about it...... I hope this doesn't get me banned from this site.
    1 point
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