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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2021 in all areas

  1. I appreciate the help. I'll be checking it out tomorrow!
    1 point
  2. As Travis pointed out, it definitely goes through at least one safety switch. And the relay also. But usually it's the big components like the solenoid, or the cables that would cause the loss of a volt. Although it could easily be the ignition switch. Or the wiring, or relay. With electrical you never know. That's why I suggest that you try the big components first. Next you'd have to chase the path that the current takes. Until you find the problem. When you energize that circuit, by turning the key. It should all be at battery voltage. Or extremely close to it.
    1 point
  3. Kenfain summed it all up very well, here are my 2 cents that worth about 1 cent. What is the battery voltage at the battery, Positive and negative posts? it should be the same or within 1 or 2 tenths of a volt the STARTER SIDE of the solenoid, or the same. if you have good voltage at the battery, and lower voltage down stream of the solenoid, somethings wacky in the solenoid most likely.
    1 point
  4. Sometimes a good cleaning will work wonders. But I have doubts about this being a done deal. But on the bright side, I think you're narrowing down the problem. So that's a good thing. Now about that 11.5v. That's a bit low. And a continuous supply of 11.5v will overwork a starter. That in itself could easily cause the whole slow cranking issue. And will kill a starter in the long run. I'd check the resistance between the positive battery terminal, and the starter terminal. Unhook the battery first, and clean the terminals. Then check resistance. If the battery is around 12.5, and you're losing a volt. Then my guess is, you're looking at either a bad cable, or a bad solenoid. They'd have to be checked individually.
    1 point
  5. Thanks! It's a strong machine. Might not be the fastest, but it's built like a tank!
    1 point
  6. I was trying to send messages here yesterday but it wouldn’t let me. If anyone is trying to buy anything fir the Subaru 450 Atv motors please buy any related engine or transmission parts for a Polaris predator 500. It is the exact same engine. I have done it my self. I made my Subaru 450 into a 500 by switching cylinder jug and piston.
    1 point
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