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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2021 in all areas

  1. I use a tech spark manual that is on a CD for my mule, well as of a few days Adobe Flash is no longer supported and my CD manual wouldn't work. If you have a Techspark CD repair manual and you get this screen when you go to the manual, Here is a work around! Download this: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/runasdate.zip it allows you to run a specific application on your PC before a certain date (think of, going back in time) Now, after you download it, you should be to this point click on what i have circled in red , When you click on it, you may have this pop up, Click RUN. Then this will appear, click on BROWSE. then click on Techspark Studio under DVD RW drive, that will bring you to this then click on start, as soon as you click on start, that will take you back to the Run As Date application, then click the RUN button in the lower left hand corner and if you did everything right, your manual will load and work!
    1 point
  2. While you are there, check out NirSoft's other stuff--I have been using many of their utilities for years...
    1 point
  3. Looks like a good fit. You could carefully apply a blow dryer to help straighten those wrinkles.
    1 point
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