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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2021 in all areas

  1. Found issue and I’m guessing this is common on all the 700’s as well as maybe the 500’s On the main harness there is a white plug to the front right of the motor. The plug is where the engine harness begins and goes to the ECU all the sensors, throttle body, fuel pump, stator and a few more engine related items. The plug lays on the floor board and ends up wet and muddy. This causes corrosion. On mine the pin that supplied the 12v to the ECU was only hot on one side of the plug . The other side was less than a volt. Tried cleaning the plug but it didn’t help. Had to splice the wire that was bad which in my case was just the one. All the other wires were checked for continuity and verified good. Got spark back and fuel pump.
    1 point
  2. scared me all the way to death and back.
    1 point
  3. Sorry to disappoint you about the rear "differential" There is NO DIFFERENTIAL in the rear! The rear end is just a ring gear and pinion, If you doubt what I am saying jack up both rear wheels and with the shifter in neutral and the parking brake off, spin one wheel, if the opposite wheel turns the same direction as the one you are spinning there is no differential when you turn, the wheels slide around the corner, both at the same speed
    1 point
  4. For a 16 digit PIN/VIN, the 9th number indicates the year. Hence, in this case, the OP's RTV is a 2006. Which is the same year as y RTV:
    1 point
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