Hello all,
I just recently added a dual port USB charger outlet to my Hisun HS400 and thought others might be interested in same:
Got it from Amazon for $13.49. The HS400 has a couple of plugged holes in the dash, left over from prior versions that had the ignition and lighting switches in the dash (these are on the steering column on my 2020 model). The adapter mounts in a 28.5 mm hole so I hogged out the obsolete lighting switch hole (25 mm) with a Dremel tool fitted with a 1/2" sanding drum. I wired it to a permanent power source as it draws very little power (< 5 μA) when not in use--at 5 μAit would take 1.6 million hours (182 years) to drain the battery down to 10 V . It has it's own power switch.
The unit delivered 4.55 V @ 3.0 A with the engine off (12.6 V input) which meets USB specs. The voltmeter displays the system voltage with surprising accuracy-- that's a good value to monitor to reveal battery and/or charging system problems.
I like it...
the embossed legend is an artifact of the old lighting switch being here