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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2021 in all areas

  1. 13 downloads

    Pre-2014 Renegade with the 800cc engine. Much of this may apply to the R4 also. Note to moderator: Please add "Joyner" to the list of UTVs.
    1 point
  2. sometimes that can be a sign of an ignition system part failing.. i'm not up to speed on the Massimo ignition systems as to if there magneto and flywheel fired, or CDI off of battery. had a similar issue with a car awhile back, run and get warm and shutoff, wouldn't restart for awhile until cool. turned out to be the ignition coil. after it dies i would check for spark, either by removing the spark plug and reinstalling the wire and grounding the spark plug against the engine and looking for spark, or by removing the plug and spraying carb/parts cleaner or starting fluid down the plug hole or intake.
    1 point
  3. I'm not moving north EVER!
    1 point
  4. Would your starter maybe cross reference with a starter from another make? Also, maybe take it to a rebuilding site. I have heard that they do a great job, and it's not all that expensive, at least for the automotive starters. That way you know it's actually been rebuilt and not just cleaned up and put on the shelf as a rebuilt unit. Just a few pieces of advice. I'm new to this SXS thing, so if I seem ignorant, I apologize ahead of time.
    1 point
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