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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2021 in all areas

  1. I lived in New England for 45 years (been here in FL for 30)--that was an everyday occurrence in the winter, when I was in Maine it could happen while you were driving...
    1 point
  2. hahaha no ugly windmills here... we burn natural gas to make power .. doesnt need warm sunny weather to actually work... Wind /solar/ battery are fine to SUPPLEMENT ..........., not worth a nickel to rely on for main power ... as we clearly see today ... ANYWHO , I digress ...... I am happy my Massimo actually started in this deep freeze .. I must admit I expected it to not start ..
    1 point
  3. I see on the news, all those shiny new Texas Windfarm Turbines are frozen over and inoperative... I guess GREEN ENERGY means it only works on sunny summer days
    1 point
  4. Good question, or "holes in both seats"--we had a "two-holer" at the farm when I was a kid...
    1 point
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