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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2021 in all areas

  1. My YouTube channel is Trail Rider. I currently have 19 trail videos posted. You can also search them individually, all titles preceded with: OHV TRAILS #, and 1-19. More to come. Like, subscribe!
    1 point
  2. will do, really appreciate the quick help...ill get some images up tomorrow, now that the snow and ice is finally melting....
    1 point
  3. Have had my Tracker 800 SX since June 2020 and really enjoy the ease of entry and exit. Just discovered a major issue that everyone should know about. I purchased my machine at Bass Pro in Nashville, TN and had my break in service done at the Nashville Service center. Used the UTV for hunting last fall and then put it away for winter. Got it out today to play in the snow and found that the cooling system was frozen. (that Polar Vortex in Feb of 2021, brought us 8 degree temperatures here in western Kentucky.) Called Nashville service and they report they do not put any anti-freeze in the system when they do a service , just check the water level. I cannot believe anyone sells a water cooled machine without insuring antifreeze protection in a new machine. So here is the bottom line. If you buy a new,$13,000 Tracker 800 SX do not assume it has antifreeze in it. I appears you must take the new machine home, drain the radiator and then put in your own antifreeze.
    1 point
  4. In the old days my first thought would have been a vacuum-lock in the fuel tank, a common situation that occurred--primarily with gravity feed fuel systems--when the fuel tank was full or nearly full; and was due to a clogged vent (often in the cap) that could not pass air to relieve the vacuum created as fuel was consumed. i don't know if the tanks on contemporary EFI fuel systems are susceptible to this, but I'd sill check to see: Next time the engine stalls crack the fuel cap and listen for a rush of air. Then try to start the motor, if it starts you know the problem and where to look for solutions--if not you're no worse off...,
    1 point
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