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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2021 in all areas

  1. 100% right on the pink junk being Stabil. It’s no help for Ethanol. This is a discussion I have with customers all the time when I test their “100%” gasoline and show them 4-8% ethanol in it. I always recommend the best non-ethanol you can find PLUS an ethanol treatment. Ethanol-shield* and Startron* have both worked ok.
    1 point
  2. ON my carburettor stuff that sits i generally drain the tank then run 'em 'til they stop. Next give a squirt or two of Marvel Oil from a pump can into the fuel line and crank it over as bit--fresh fuel when 'tis the season and they just pop right off...
    1 point
  3. Pink stuff in the bowl? That sounds like out of Date StaBil. I've cleaned more carbs for people who've used Stabil than any other treatment. I started using StarTron. Haven't had 1problem with my own equip.
    1 point
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