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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2021 in all areas

  1. are you sure the throttle cable isn't broke? over time they do need to be adjusted to compensate for wear.
    1 point
  2. That looks like a good candidate for some aerosol contact cleaner, Q-tips, toothpicks and conpressed air. However I have on occasion poked around a bit inside the body with a dental probe and been able to find something that would release the terminals in connectors like that--typically they pull out from what is the bottom in your photo (the "business end")--there are specialty tools for disassembling these things. Search for "Tool Disassemble electrical connectors" on Amazon. I had a set years ago and it worked great on the connectors it fit, but as is common with real world perversity, most of the connectors I wanted to take apart were ones none of the "keys" fit. Sometimes there is a plastic locking tab holding the terminals into the body.
    1 point
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