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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2021 in all areas

  1. As the title suggests, today marks 120 days and 520 miles since I bought my 2020 UT400 from Tractor Supply. I like it, here;s a synopsis of my experience so far: Delivery on 10/29/2020 was uneventful, BUT my first ride was interrupted by the damned undocumented seat belt safety "feature", the staff at TS knew nothing about it, but somewhat accidentally I found the driver's belt was wired and "bugged"--problem #1 solved;; Next I had to screw around with the State of Florida to get it registered and titled--that took a month and my trailering it 150 miles round trip to have it "inspected' and documented as a 'low speed vehicle'"; Got it titled on 11/25/2020; At 13-15 miles or so it decided it did not like shifting into reverse--the shift cable adjustment is finicky, with examination and trial and error I developed an adjustment procedure around the neutral position; At 15 hours I changed the fluids as recommended; Next, nothing major for the next 400 miles when I changed the front and rear gearbox juice just to make me happy; Today I drove it to the beach (2.5 miles East, including 1.2 miles at 45+ mph (50 on the "Clock", 45 on the GPS)--the dog and I had a great time. This was the 4th or5th time I've had it "on the road" at 40+--it seems to like or at least tolerate it. Beach, dunes, deep sand no problems. 26 mpg overall since new--not too bad. It's a well engineered and built machine however Coleman and Hisun are shooting themselves in the foot with their crappy documentation--I've contacted both but they don't seem to care. I like it!!!
    2 points
  2. View File Hisun HS400 Wiring Diagram Here is a REALLY great, high quality HS400 rev 5 wiring diagram I got from Hisun--I knew they had to have decent documents somewhere. Submitter cliffyk Submitted 03/24/2021 Category Hisun  
    1 point
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