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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2021 in all areas

  1. its not like that on mine. the end is fastened to handle at bottom, cable has adjusting sleeve about 2 ft down with locking nut and two rubber boots that slip over it ... doesnt matter tho, they never put the pads in the caliper
    1 point
  2. 100% FWIW, I found this on a Chinese Manufacturers Parts site--it claimed to be for the 2019+ Odes DominatorX. Looks to have three possible adjustments--one at the caliper end (left), one at he sheath clamping point (middle), and one at what I believe is the handle end (right). -cliff-
    1 point
  3. BE sure to play up your "safety" concerns when you call. that word can often get their attention...
    1 point
  4. Mine is not like that either.. Park Brake has never held , even new .. as for Massimo Tech support... well , if you ever find ANY, let me know
    1 point
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