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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2021 in all areas

  1. Same thing, though the Kohler might have two coils if it's a V-twin (jut one if it's a "boxer"). Using that same tester on the Mule may reveal something. The resistance tests shown in the manual should be pretty positive. $43 (w/ free shipping) on eBay for a new genuine Kawasaki part.--p/n 21171-7035 is what you want: Interesting little beasts, these earlty mules--only 400 cc, not much HP (10.5 @2400)--but GOBS of torque at low rpm (22 lb·ft @ that same 2400 rpm!!!). Peak torque on my 24.4 HP (@ 7500 rpm) Hisun 400 is only 17.1 lb·ft☹️--also @ 7500 rpm, which in reality is an engine speed the CVT will never allow (except maybe when "pedal-to-metal" on an open road somewhere). I suspect real Hp that actually makes it to te ground is more like 15-18. Rubberband CVT efficiency is just 40 to 80% or so depending on a number of factors (drive ratio, belt stiffness, etc.) In general hihger "gears" (numerically lower input--> output ratios) are the least efficient. Here are some interesting charts from a great study "The analysis of an influence of rubber V-belt physical properties on CVT efficiency" by A Kot W Grzegożek and W Szczypiński-Sala of the Cracow University of Technology: (belt "A" is the most flexible tested, belt "C" the least)
    2 points
  2. 50 downloads

    Found this floating about the web today--it's a nice manual... 2005-2012 Kawasaki Mule 610/600 Service Manual
    1 point
  3. Mule's are definitely torquey, there are some pretty steep inclines on the property where water runs through and what not, the mule would probably Idle and climb it if it could.
    1 point
  4. Ahhh, the man wants to be a politician in his next life!
    1 point
  5. As Andy Griffith once said on his TV show "she'll never die, she'll just nasty away ". That goes for both of them.
    1 point
  6. I carry Halon extinguishers in my 2 Corvettes .... no mess if you need to put out an engine fire one day
    1 point
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