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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2021 in all areas

  1. 12 downloads

    Here are a few little parts I made for my new coleman 400. One is a dummy seat belt clip to make the speed limiter think a belt is engaged (for diagnostic purposes only, do not ride without your seat belt on.) Another is a replacment for the circular grommets in the front corner of the bed. The last is a replacement for the rectangular cap at the rear of the frame near the hitch. Parts may need a little sanding depending on your print settings. Enjoy!
    1 point
  2. Hey everyone, new to the forum, just picked up a coleman 400 from tractor supply this week, and of course it was missing a couple small plastic parts. Being as I have a handy 3d printer laying around, I just made new ones. In the downloads portion of this site under the coleman section I uploaded files to print new circular caps for the tie-down holes at the front of the bed, a new cap for the end of the frame near the hitch, and a dummy clip for the seat belts. Disclaimer, always wear your seat belt while riding. That being said feel free to download and print! Check your local library for a printer if you don't have one, or there are online printing services available.
    1 point
  3. I checked it out and the springs are still there. I will pull the carb apart this weekend. It doesnt go full throttle but is jerky. Also repairing the brakes as the lines were all split. They just came in. And putting on wheel spacers to keep the huge tires from rubbing on the tie rods.
    1 point
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