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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2021 in all areas

  1. The .swf files are "Shock Wave Flash", Adobe's original name for what became just "Flash". They likely just serve up the .jpg files in an indexed manner--I might be able to convert it to something else if you'd like top send me a copy of the CD... -cliff-
    2 points
  2. View File Coleman HS400 3D printed parts Here are a few little parts I made for my new coleman 400. One is a dummy seat belt clip to make the speed limiter think a belt is engaged (for diagnostic purposes only, do not ride without your seat belt on.) Another is a replacment for the circular grommets in the front corner of the bed. The last is a replacement for the rectangular cap at the rear of the frame near the hitch. Parts may need a little sanding depending on your print settings. Enjoy! Submitter tsheh4 Submitted 04/16/2021 Category Coleman  
    2 points
  3. Hey folks, I just picked up a 2010 landmaster. The last guy changed the engine to a 653 predator. Anyone have experience with these? Trying to figure out the throttle. It doesnt gently start off Like most engines. Push the gas and vroom! Is that the way these are?
    1 point
  4. Got it... The .jpg files are "thumbnails" of the actual page images in the .swf files. I'll have to do some research into how to batch convert the .swf images into something useful... This is the page0002_s.jpg file (viewed with just a plain ol' Linux image viewer(: Here's the page0002.swf file (viewed with Celluloid, a Linux movie viewer): -cliff-
    1 point
  5. we make our dog stay in back seat when we remove doors on our Sahara ... he also loves riding with top down on our Corvette .. Hell, he rides on our Honda 4 wheelers too.. if it moves, he'll ride on or in it
    1 point
  6. Used to have a harness for my dog that the seatbelt went thru. Got the strangest looks from people running down the road with the doors off the Jeep and him sitting in the front passenger seat😁
    1 point
  7. Yea, got those in the floor too but wanted something up higher for larger loads. Measured the openings on my dump bed and looks like 1 7/16" will work. Going to order some off ebay and see, I found a set of 8 for only $29.
    1 point
  8. yeah, just keep a close eye on it, and do not run it hot for even a minute or the cheap head gasket will leak immediately. If you check complaint/review sites like BBB or PISSED CONSUMER.COM about Massimo , the number one problem is overheating and Masimos refusal to pay any warrenty claims and shops refusal to work on them because of it .. Hopefully you will not find out first hand.. Good Luck and enjoy the machine , they are fun when they run ...
    1 point
  9. 12 downloads

    Here are a few little parts I made for my new coleman 400. One is a dummy seat belt clip to make the speed limiter think a belt is engaged (for diagnostic purposes only, do not ride without your seat belt on.) Another is a replacment for the circular grommets in the front corner of the bed. The last is a replacement for the rectangular cap at the rear of the frame near the hitch. Parts may need a little sanding depending on your print settings. Enjoy!
    1 point
  10. Hey everyone, new to the forum, just picked up a coleman 400 from tractor supply this week, and of course it was missing a couple small plastic parts. Being as I have a handy 3d printer laying around, I just made new ones. In the downloads portion of this site under the coleman section I uploaded files to print new circular caps for the tie-down holes at the front of the bed, a new cap for the end of the frame near the hitch, and a dummy clip for the seat belts. Disclaimer, always wear your seat belt while riding. That being said feel free to download and print! Check your local library for a printer if you don't have one, or there are online printing services available.
    1 point
  11. $110 each from AlphaSports--a bit better... Amazon has a number of less expensive options if you feel creative...
    1 point
  12. Shouldn't be that way. Im willing to bet he rigged the throttle linkage straight to the butterfly on the carb and bypassed the governor throttle plate set up, which gives you a nice steady increase of speed. There are plenty of videos on YouTube of setting up throttle on those Predators.
    1 point
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