Went to do the break in service on my buggy the other day. 10W 30 motorcycle oil, check. 85w 90 for rear diff, check. ATF for front diff, check (okay I cheated and used trans-hydraulic tractor oil, similar stuff.) Oil filter, now that was a tough one. Being the good red-blooded American male that I am, I refused to buy the overpriced Hisun filter and have it shipped in. Surely there was a cross reference that will fit it... So I do some digging, and some measuring, came up with a 2.5inch diameter filter with 3/4 16 threads. Easy, pulled the correct filter at Walmart, an AC Delco is what I grabbed, no dice. The only difference is the Hisun filter has a concave top around the threads, while most filters are covex or flat. They designed it (probably to sell filters I guess) to where the base of the filter adapter on the machine will bottom out on the filter before the gasket on most other brands of filter. I did find a filter at tractor supply for Toro twin cylinder lawn mower engines that is identical to the Hisun filter. I just ended up paying more than if had ordered the Hisun one. Tis the price of stubbornness.