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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Well, guys, after 2 years of disasterous lack of reliability from my MSU 500, begining on first day I owned it, [ 6 trips to shop, AT MY EXPENSE, massimo never paid one cent] it looks like we have corrected all the factory inadequacies with reliable YAMAHA parts . This seems to have resulted in a decent side x side that is reliable now as well as capable on the trails and in the mudholes. I know, I am as shocked as anyone , but its true.. Through no help whatsoever from the joke called Massimo Tech Service, it is actually performing well. It has not had to be towed back to trailer in almost a year.... Just thought I would update you guys.. I sure hope I m not crowing too soon.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. hahaha BR549....haha I remember that.. Juniors Auto sales
    1 point
  4. Update, got around 10 hrs and hasn't fouled a plug, fingers crossed. The lower heat number has seemed to help. Thanks for you guys help. B well
    1 point
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